Welcome to Bluebunch

An online entertainment platform that celebrates Zimbabwean and African arts talent. We strive to remind everyone of how well endowed our nation and continent are when its comes to artistic talent, even in the face of difficult economic times.

We are passionate about supporting and promoting African artists

If you are an artist, we encourage you to get in touch with us to learn more about how we can help you to promote your work. We are also open to working with businesses and organizations that are interested in supporting African art.

Blue Bunch Radio Services

  • Artist Spotlight: Interviews with artists, advertising the brand, preferential airplay
  • Business Spotlight: Advertising on the radio and website, flight adverts for events, on-air announcements, logo placement on content, interviews with people affiliated with the organization, interviews with the business owner
  • DJ Services: Live DJ sets at events

Contact Us Blue Bunch Media

Custom content for your business

Commercial spots: Radio commercials that advertise your business and its products or services.
Promotional videos: Videos that promote your business and its brand.
Social media content: Engaging and informative content for your social media pages.

Content Ideas

Artist Spotlight: Interview with local artist John Smith about his new album.
Business Spotlight: Interview with the owner of new coffee shop in town, Blue Bean Cafe.
DJ Services: Live DJ set at upcoming community festival.

Have you heard about Bluebunch Media? We are an online entertainment platform that celebrates Zimbabwean and African arts talent. We strive to remind everyone of how well endowed our nation and continent are when its comes to artistic talent, even in the face of difficult economic times. We would be honored to profile you and remind those who know you of your creative prowess, and introduce those who do not know you to the talent that you are, so that Zimbabweans and Africans all over the world can celebrate you. So that young people and upcoming artists can be inspired and know that it’s possible. We are currently profiling artists and do hereby extend an opportunity for you to be at the helm of how your story is told. If this is something that interests you, please hit us up on info@bluebunchmedia.com.

Looking forward to celebrating you!

Contact for Bookings